The ground beneath our feet is not always as stable as it seems. In the heartland of Missouri, a series of seismic events known as the New Madrid earthquakes left an indelible mark on history.

These powerful earthquakes redefined the landscape and have shaped our understanding of the region’s geological dynamics. In this article, we explore the most significant earthquakes to have ever struck Missouri.

1. Magnitude 7.8

  • Date: December 16, 1811
  • Location: New Madrid, Missouri
  • Damage: Widespread destruction, altered the course of the Mississippi River, created Reelfoot Lake.

2. Magnitude 7.7

  • Date: February 7, 1812
  • Location: New Madrid, Missouri
  • Damage: Continued destruction and aftershocks, caused landslides along the Mississippi River.

3. Magnitude 7.5

  • Date: January 23, 1812
  • Location: New Madrid, Missouri
  • Damage: Further devastation, affected a wide area across multiple states.

4. Magnitude 7.4

  • Date: December 23, 1811
  • Location: New Madrid, Missouri
  • Damage: Buildings collapsed, the landscape changed dramatically.

5. Magnitude 7.2

  • Date: January 29, 1812
  • Location: New Madrid, Missouri
  • Damage: Continued structural damage, shook foundations across a vast region.

6. Magnitude 7.1

  • Date: March 3, 1812
  • Location: New Madrid, Missouri
  • Damage: Ongoing aftershocks, further disrupted communities.

7. Magnitude 6.9

  • Date: February 8, 1812
  • Location: New Madrid, Missouri
  • Damage: Continued impact on structures, exacerbated by previous quakes.

8. Magnitude 6.8

  • Date: March 10, 1812
  • Location: New Madrid, Missouri
  • Damage: Persistent shaking, altered the landscape further.

9. Magnitude 6.7

  • Date: February 12, 1812
  • Location: New Madrid, Missouri
  • Damage: Additional destruction, heightened the already dire situation.

10. Magnitude 6.6

  • Date: March 11, 1812
  • Location: New Madrid, Missouri
  • Damage: Concluding a series of devastating events, leaving a changed environment.

The New Madrid earthquakes of the early 19th century stand as a stark reminder of the tremendous power and unpredictability of the earth beneath us. These seismic events forever altered the physical and cultural landscape of Missouri, leaving a legacy that continues to shape discussions about earthquake preparedness and our understanding of geological phenomena.


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